Anonymous undated typescript (mimeo.) biographical sketch of San Francisco mechanical engineer Irving Murray Scott. Written sometime after Scott's death in 1903, the sketch provides details of Scott's life and work including his lineage from Quakers arriving in America from England, his apprenticing in Baltimore, Md., and his move to California in 1860 to work at the Union Iron Works as a draughtsman where he eventually rose to general manager, a position he held at his death. Other details include: his travels to shipyards around the world, advising the Russian government on shipbuilding, other financial and business interests such as banking and mining, and his civic participation in arts and literacy organizations such as the Mechanic's Library and the San Francisco Art Association. He was a regent of the University of California, a trustee of Stanford University and the San Francisco Public Library. Numerous club affiliations are listed including the Bohemian Club. His political interests and public speaking abilities are also mentioned. They include his being active in the Republican Party and being considered for the vice-presidency of the United States and as giving the addresses for the Starr King and Francis Scott Key monuments in Golden Gate Park.